Revolutionising Agriculture with Autonomous Robotics

Farnham, Surrey

Embarking on a thrilling journey across the verdant fields of the United Kingdom, our beloved companion, Hugo RT™ Gen. II, has charmed farmers far and wide with his determined spirit and unwavering dedication. Through rain and shine, Hugo RT™ has gallantly tracked through rugged terrain of numerous farms, serving as an encouragement of innovation in the heart of British agriculture.

From the bustling harvest season to the quiet moments of husbandry, Hugo RT™ seamlessly integrates into the fabric of farm life, carrying trays of produce and offering steadfast support in every task. With each smile from supportive farmers, Hugo RT™’s resolve strengthens, fuelling our commitment to redefine the boundaries of agricultural automation.

While our focus has primarily been on soft fruit farms in the UK, there are many opportunities for Hugo RT™ to assist the farming process. His versatile capabilities, promise to revolutionise logistical tasks across diverse sectors within agriculture, igniting a wave of excitement among farmers and industry leaders alike.

Our journey with Hugo RT™ Gen. II has been one of discovery and growth,  navigating through challenges and embracing innovation at every turn. Armed with insights from rigorous field tests and the invaluable feedback of our farming community, we have fine-tuned Hugo RT™’s hardware, ensuring peak performance in even the most demanding environments.

Driven by a relentless pursuit to benefit agriculture, Hugo RT™ harnesses the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning to navigate the dynamic landscape of modern agriculture. His intuitive understanding of human presence ensures safe and seamless interaction, which will earn the trust and admiration of farmers across the nation.

 Exciting developments are on the horizon, propelled by our ground-breaking collaboration with Defra and Innovate UK. With a £1 million grant fuelling our quest for innovation, we stand poised to unveil Hugo RT™ Gen. III –ready for a new era in horticultural excellence.

 We are thrilled to announce that Hugo RT™ Gen. III is now commercially available, poised to embark on a transformative journey through this year’s horticultural landscape. Join us as we embark on this thrilling adventure, as we dare to dream of a future where automation and agriculture converge, reshaping the world one field at a time.